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Making the Switch: Transforming His Diet to a Raw Diet

Before we could do just about anything with the little guy we had to change his diet.

The previous owner (PO) let me know he has a very sensitive stomach and dental disease. She also informed me he eats cooked chicken, peas, carrots and a well-known brand of soft food, no kibble. She gave us his prescription medication for diarrhea. I explained we would be giving him raw venison with bone for his first meal with us. She suggested we switch him over slowly as the vet had always recommended to her when switching any pet’s food. I tried to explain that Blue Ridge Beef’s raw Venison with Bone doesn’t have anything except venison and bone and not all of the ingredients you cannot pronounce and that I was sure he would be fine.

Our family has been feeding some form of a raw diet to our pets for over 20 years. When we completely eliminated kibble (yes, very expensive kibble) and canned food from our pets’ diets over 12 years ago we noticed a huge difference in their coats, stool, energy levels, incontinence issues, and joint problems. We essentially eliminated inflammation in their bodies and their overall health improved drastically. In recent years there has been a lot of noise about the damage inflammation can do to our human bodies so why wouldn’t that translate to our pets as well?

The PO told me the little guy is used to sleeping in the bed with her. This isn’t something we allow in our home and I’ll expand on that another day, but I thought his poor little world has been turned upside down, he can’t hear, he doesn’t see well and he’s going to need to be near me for security and comfort for awhile. The PO also let me know that he needs to go out in the middle of the night and simply sneezes to let you know. I sure didn’t want to miss that sneeze! But I did and he pooped on the bed the first night. At least I had the forethought to leave the waterproof cover on the bed.  This was before he had eaten anything from our home. The mess was small(ish), soft (not necessarily runny), and very smelly.

I have switched many dogs and cats to a raw diet over the years and none of them have had explosive diarrhea. Yes, I know I have been lucky, but I also know diarrhea is not a normal reaction when an animal is given a species specific diet.

I will admit given the little guy’s age (17), I was prepared to experience my first negative reaction to switching him over. The biggest issue I have had with switching pets that are older (and cats of all ages) to a raw diet is getting them to try it to begin with. He was no exception. I mean if you've had McDonald's every day of your life why would you want a green vegetable instead? I give my dogs and cat their raw food right out of the refrigerator. With his teeth being in the shape they are in I decided to heat up his meal because I thought the cold might be painful for him. One and a half minutes in the microwave on 20% power did the trick.

We had the pumpkin and activated charcoal ready to go!

His first bowel movement after the first meal of venison and bone was perfect! Firm and very small and they have continued to be perfect.  PO advised me he doesn’t tolerate fat very well so I gave him some pork and bone with his vension. He has done well with it also.

Another perk is that he is not having to go out to pee in the middle of the night!

He’s also been very bouncy and he gets excited about eating. I love being able to report another successful switch to a raw diet…even at 17 years old!

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